1. Marketing communication for temple tourism destinations: from the perspective of post-COVID-19 pandemic visitors 2. Sustainable tourism competitiveness analysis for regional economic enhancement in West Java 3. COVID-19 vs event tourism: utilizing technology as a solution? 4. Sport tourism quality and its influence on visitor satisfaction and revisit intention: an empirical study of Manda…
1. Readiness of Canggu Village Bali as digital nomad tourism 2. How reputation bridging nowness service and memorable tourism experience to achieve tourism sustainable development goals 3. Potential and obstacles in the implementation of digitalization in tourism villages (case studies in Banceuy Traditional Villages) 4. Thematic tourism potential analysis of Bali Aga rural area, Buleleng, B…
1. Trust as a mediation of transformational leadership relationships and welfare of hotel employees psychology 2. The contribution of the quality of photos uploaded on social media to tourists' decision to visit Labuan Bajo 3. Disaster mitigation based geotourism trails 4. Experienced economic approach in tourism product development in The Keranggan Tourism Village, South Tangerang 5. Colla…
1. Kotagede heritage city: Identification of conservation and preservation based on community perspective 2. Acceleration of community-based tourism village development in West Java Province 3. Exploring the dimensions of local food tourism in Cirebon 4. Planning of Cibogo agrotechnopark as an agricultural based edutourism landscape in Cirebon 5. The role of Psycap and Readiness for change …