Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini: - Pendahuluan - definisi dan pengertian etika - teori etika dan pergeseran paradigma - etika dalam bisnis dan ekonomi kapitalisme - etika dan agama - skandal korporasi - prinsip dasar etika islami - etika pemerintahan islami - etika perusahaan islami - etika transaksi, masketing, dan iklan - yang dilarang dalam bisnis islami - pengawasan etika - …
This book include : -New focus on civic and civil engagement -New Chapter on introductions, conclusions, and transitions -Expanded discusions of proper use of powerpoint -New material on persuasive speaking -New material on special occasion speaking -New sample speeches
Conflict management skills are more important than ever in today's world. The eighth edition of interpersonal conflict offers principles of effective conflict management in a wide variety of contexts-from romantic relationships to the workplace. Its combination of up-to-date research and exmaples gives students a theoritical and practical foundation in conflict management.
This best selling anthology of readings with case studies provides insightful and comprehensive treatment of ethical issues in biomedicine. Appropriate for courses taught in philosophy departments, bioethics programs, as well as schools of medicine and nursing, the collection coverss such provocative topics as bioomedical enhancement, clinical trials in developing countries, animal research, ph…
Contents in this book are: 1. The study of human development 2. Beginnings (reproduction, heredity, and prenatal development) 3. Birth and infancy: the first two years 4. Early childhood 5. Middle childhood 6. Adolescence 7. Early, Middle, and Late adulthood 8. The and of life
This book introduction reviews how different disciplines (such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and history) approach the study of adolescence, it does not provide detailed examinations of particular theories or research methods
How to Think About Weird Things helps readers apply solid principles of critical thinking to a vast array of claims about the paranormal, the supernatural, the mysterious, and the mystifying. Throughout the book, the autors provide step-by-step explanations on ow to sort out reasons, evaluate evidence, and tell when a claim (no matter how strange) is likely to be true. The overall emphasis in t…
Visual images dominate our lives-from politics, to entertainment, to advertising, Seeing Is Believing presents the fundamentals of visual communication and develops students'ability to interpret and create visual communication-their"visual literacy"