Buku ini menyusun undang-undang perpajakan terbaru dalam susunan satu naskah dengan format yang mudah dipahami dan dipelajari semua pihak, baik kalangan bisnis, praktisi, akademis maupun masyarakat umum
Buku ini akan membawa wawasan dan pemahaman kita tentang berbagai permasalahan sistem industri dalam hubungan fundamentalnya dengan sistem alam. Inti pebahasan dikaitkan dengan kebijakan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan energi serta semaksimal mungkin mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Pembahasan di awali dengan konsep ekosistem, perilaku manusia sebagai subyek dan obyek pembanguna…
CJ: realities and challenges examines contemporary issues in criminal justice within a three part pedagogical framework that encourages critical thinking. This approach helps students make logical connections between the principles and practices of criminal justice and emerge with a more realistic understanding of the system and the opportunities that await them.
Highlight of The 5Th Edition : -Updates to the history of the early childhood field, including the topic of communication between adults in ECE settings -Emphasis on the importance of play-outdoors as well as indoors-and exploration as always of learning -Additional information of guidance and discipline and the differences between the two -Continued commitment to providing practical, real-…
American education brings current issues and challenging perspectives to teacher educator's classrooms. Revised every two years, the text provides an up-to-date introduction to the historical, political, social, and legal foundations of education and to the profession of teaching in the united states
This book discusses the manner of writing police reports and employee attention
Classroom Assessment for Teachers provides students with essential professional knowledge/ skill set along with contemporary issues surrounding the assessment of student learning progress and achievement. By utilizing an inqury-oriented approach, pre-service teacher candidates can aexplore the essential relationsip between assessment adn teaching with a deliberate focus on encouraging students …