English Structure For TOEFL
Pembahasan dalam buku ini :
- Kata Kerja (Verb)
- Modal (Auxiliary Verbs)
- Question Words Question
- Tenses
- Variasi Kata Benda (Variety of Noun)
- Kata Sifat (Adjective)
- Klausa (Clause)
- Causative
- Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif
(Active and Passive Voice)
- Tingkat Perbandingan (The Degrees of Comparison)
- Kata Depan (Preposition)
- Adverb Clause
- Pronoun
- Conjuction
- Finites and Nonfinities
- Relative Pronoun
- Relative Pronoun
- The Quantifiers (Some and Any)
- Subjunctive
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Strategi, Tips, dan Kiat Mengusai TOEFL
- Sekilas TOEFL
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