1. Gender, Region, and Background-Related Factors Influencing Adolescent Disease-Prevention Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia 2. The Relationship between COVID-19 Prevention Measures and Quality of Life for the Elderly with Hypertension during the COVID-19 Pandemic 3. The use of a Scorecard to Evaluate the Public’s Comprehension of COVID-19: A Pilot Study 4. The Relationsh…
1. Exploring Nursing Students’ Experiences on Faculty Caring Behaviors in Learning 2. Perception and Readiness of Nursing Lecturers on Interprofessional Education 3. Implementation of the Blended Learning Method to Enhance Clinical Reasoning among Nursing Students 4. Resilience and Parenting Stress in Mothers who have Children with Mental Retardation during the COVID-19 Pandemic 5. IKHLAS…
1. Does Cigarette Smoke Exposure on Pregnant Women Increase The Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Their Children? 2. Remote Learning for Nursing Education in Indonesia during The Covid-19 Pandemic: Efforts and Recommendations 3. Factors That Affect The Posttraumatic Growth of Flash-Flood Survivors in Indonesia 4. Factors Affecting the Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in School-Age Chil…
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