Lavanya Florintine is a student from the Literature and Language department. The story revolves around a romance set at Genstar University, Lavanya has been in a relationship with Radeva since they were both in their second semester. On the other hand, Radeva who is a Computer Science student at the same university as Lavanya is known as a friendly student with a talent for public speaking. The…
Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah prototype sistem absensi Guru dengan menggunakan Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) yang terintegrasi dengan database untuk mendukung program peningkatan kinerja secara keseluruhan sebagai pengganti sistem absensi manual.Pencatatan kehadiran di SD Negeri Rengaspendawa 02 masih dilakukan secara manual yang menyebabkan pihak staf harus merekap d…